Setup VLS Service

Setup VLS testnet Service

Configure Service

Configure the VLS service on the VLSHOST.

Add vls user and group:

sudo /usr/sbin/groupadd vls
sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -g vls -c "Validating Lightning Signer" -m vls

Setup config files:

# become root user
touch /home/vls/.lightning-signer/ALLOWLIST
cp ~/lightning-signer/vls-hsmd/vls/contrib/howto/assets/vlsd2.toml /home/vls/.lightning-signer/vlsd2.toml
echo "rpc-user = <ADMIN_USER>" >> /home/vls/.lightning-signer/vlsd2.toml
echo "rpc-pass = <ADMIN_SERVER_PASSWORD>" >> /home/vls/.lightning-signer/vlsd2.toml

Create ~vls/.lightning-signer/testnet-env:

sudo -u vls bash << 'EOF'
cat > ~vls/.lightning-signer/testnet-env << EOF2

Make sure vls owns everything:

sudo chown -R vls:vls /home/vls/.lightning-signer

Install systemd unit file:

sudo cp ~/lightning-signer/vls-hsmd/vls/contrib/howto/assets/vls-testnet.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Install log rotation config file (edit to suit preferences):

sudo cp ~/lightning-signer/vls-hsmd/vls/contrib/howto/assets/vls-testnet.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vls-testnet

If you would like to allow legacy anchor channels (non-zero-fee anchors) you should add the following line to /home/vls/vlsd2.toml:

policy-filter = "policy-channel-safe-type-anchors:warn"

Enable the service for automatic start on system boot:

sudo systemctl enable vls-testnet

If you want to start the service now:

sudo systemctl start vls-testnet

View status:

sudo systemctl status vls-testnet

View logs:

sudo journalctl --follow -u vls-testnet